Audio recordings of 3 introductions and the public discussion at the Real World Economics event 'The political economy of anarchism: a viable or utopian avenue for the future? (14 nov 2011, CREA)
1. Introduction of event by moderator Kees Hudig ( and RWE), followed by contribution by Bert Altena, historian at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, specialized in the history of labour movements, especially of revolutionary syndicalism and anarchism in the Netherlands and Belgium; 2. Contribution by Dennis de Lange, who is active in the anarchist group AGA and published a book last year on the followers of Tolstoy in the Netherlands; 3. Contribution by Angela Wigger, Lecturer Global Political Economy at Radboud University in Nijmegen, and member of RWE, who recently did research on the different approaches by Marxists and anarchists on the role of competition. 4. Public discussion
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